˜ Now Available ˜

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The Finklea Family in America: Descendants of Dr. Thomas Finklea and Elizabeth Keeling



Michael J. Vaughn and E. D. Rayburn


˜     Definitive compilation of the descendants of Dr. Thomas Finklea, the progenitor of the Finklea family in America, and his wife Elizabeth Keeling-Traces family from its migration to the colonies in the 17th century

˜     Winner of 2013 Texas State Genealogy Society First Place Book Award for Books by a Non-Professional/Family History        

˜     Over 2000 descendants included – to the 9th generation and beyond in some cases

˜     Printed on acid-free paper, perfect-bound, 8½" x 11", 715 pages

˜     Fully indexed and fully documented, over 7,600 footnotes, primarily           original sources

˜     The authors have a combined 75+ years of experience in genealogical research, both are Finklea descendants and have       researched the family more than 50 years

˜     Corrects many errors in previously published Finklea research

˜     Copies have been placed in most regional and national libraries, and in selected local libraries


Cost:                   Only $168.00 including postage & mailing


Send check or money order to Tidewater Research and Publishing, % Michael J. Vaughn, 10001 Linden Lea Rd., Flint, Texas 75762.  If you have questions please feel free to Email me at bookstore@cayugatexas.com or call me at (903) 954-2313.